Post #1: If You Know Nothing, Then You Still Know Something

Hi. My name is a Kirsten. I'm an illustrator, video editor, and motions graphics artist.

^That sentence above is the product of a year's worth of effort. It is probably the 50th or 60th revision of a draft that I have stretched, morphed, and rewritten week after week in order to establish an accurate identity as a creative freelancer. Behind that sentence is a garbage dump of uncertainty, insecurity, curiosity, and victory. That sentence is badge I earned having survived my first year of freelancing.

It's very tempting to not write this blog because people with blogs usually know things…and I still feel like I don't know anything. But I have a feeling that maybe my inexperience is one of the most valuable resources that I can share…

There are already many resources that feature creatives reflecting on their journeys, but I can't find many from baby creatives documenting their journey in real time. To me, the key difference between a seasoned creative and a novice are the details they can remember. The seasoned creative can only remember fragments of the emotions and thoughts they had at the start of her career, and she's viewing it through the biased lens of hindsight. The novice can fill in those gaps because she's currently living in the early stage of a blossoming career.

Ah yes, the early stage of a career. I'm in the thick of it, and I got a whole lot of thoughts about it. I graduated from college a year ago which means I've officially been freelancing for a year. Over the past 12 months, I've surprised myself, challenged myself, encouraged myself, and disappointed myself, and only in reflection can I appreciate the ways I have a grown on a path that I initially doubted I could carve for myself.

So if you're diving right into a new creative industry, perhaps the first steps I took and mistakes I made will be helpful to you. If you're semi-experienced, then I hope you'll resonate with my experiences and realize that you're not alone. If you're a seasoned pro, then please, please, please share your advice.

Thanks for reading this. I hope you can celebrate my tiny victories with me and laugh at alllllll the mistakes I make.

Because the only way I learn how to walk is by falling flat on my face.