Mafia Nanny


Software: Photoshop, After Effects

Brief: Create dark, sultry video introducing the handsome, imposing male lead in the Mafia Nanny webcomic



The client requested a serious, sexy, and dangerous tone, but humorous content performs better on social platforms. So I gave the ad a humorous opening to hook in viewers before transitioning to a dark tone for the main summary.

The Hook
I kept it strictly within the first 5 seconds, and referenced the popular show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” to pique viewer curiosity.

Main Summary

After first establishing Gabriel as attractive, mysterious and powerful, I revealed his wife’s death and set up the introduction of a possible new love interest. Switching the focus to the new love interest, I hinted at exciting upcoming action and drama. To keep the viewer engaged, I also sprinkled humorous gags throughout like the “enhance” feature

Once the script was done, I recorded the VO.


Hook: Cheesy, happy, fun, sunny. When something looks too well designed, especially for social media, viewers automatically think it’s an ad and they click away

Main summary: Cyber security and hacking are big theme in the series, and I wanted the viewer to feel like we were going undercover to dig up dirt



Creative Director - Karina Lopez

Creative Reviewer - Danna Galeano

Art Director/Animator/Copywriter - Myself