Google Play - Asian Pacific Islander American Heritage Month

Software: Photoshop

Brief: Design Storyboards for Google Play’s ASAHM animated post

Agency: Cashmere

Client: Google Play

Role: Designer


Google Play wanted to highlight APIA creators and entrepreneurs in honor of APIA Heritage Month. I designed the storyboards to help feature these people and their accomplishments.


The art director had designed custom patterns and I used color to distinguish what kind of creators we were highlighting. We were through several iterations to settles the best design that also aligned with Google Play Brand Guidelines. Designed with movement in mind, transitions are indicated based on the position of shapes and the directions of gradients.


These boards were passed on to the animator resulting in this wonderful final product


Creative Director - Jen D’Angelo

Art Director - Michael Carian

Motion Designer - Ali Beisbier

Storyboard Design - Kirsten Mossberg